-- Tao-wu's Greatest Depth --
Zen Master Tao-wu was sitting on the high seat of meditation when a monk came and asked, "What is the greatest depth of the teaching?"
(Means what is the ultimate truth?)
Tao-wu came down from the seat to kneel on the floor saying, "You are here after traveling from afar, but I am sorry to have nothing to answer you."
(Means what is the ultimate truth?)
Tao-wu came down from the seat to kneel on the floor saying, "You are here after traveling from afar, but I am sorry to have nothing to answer you."
Later on Zen Master Fugai commented on this story : "Look out, brother! You are endangering yourself in the deep sea."
Later on Zen Master Nyogen said: "Yes, it is true. This monk does not realize his danger even though he is on the verge of drowning."
Later on Zen Master Nyogen said: "Yes, it is true. This monk does not realize his danger even though he is on the verge of drowning."
There are multiple aspects of this story:
First : None of the answers to this question can be real answer. Each answer will give rise to thousand and one more questions and the original question will still remain unanswered. Understand this! If you ask me "Is there any God?", I can say either Yes or No. But whatever answer I give you, will give rise to thousand and one more questions. None of the answer is the real answer. And there are people who have faith on some answers and they have become so clinged to their answers that they find out all kinds of rationalization that their answer is right. Someone is theist, he believes in God. He can give you hundreds of rationalization for his answer. Someone is atheist, he doesn't believe in God. He can also give you hundred of rationalization for his answer. If you refute their answers, they will become angry with you because their answers are very superficial. Deep down they are suffering from their ignorance. By refuting those answers you are unveiling their ignorance. This very anger is the proof that they don't know the answer. They just believe that their answer is correct. This very anger is the proof of their ignorance.
No! Zen doesn't give you any new kind of answer. You are already filled with lot of answers. Zen is the art of making you empty of all the answers, making you empty of all the words and diving deep in silence.
Second : 'THAT' cannot be given by someone else. 'THAT' you have to find in your own meditation.
Third : The monk missed the lively truth in the master. He was looking for some words. This is how people have missed the Buddhas. They see them, they hear them, yet they miss them.
Meditate! Don't waste time in rationalizing your answers or seeking the answers outside. Without meditating, your answers may become right but YOU yourself will remain wrong!!!
First : None of the answers to this question can be real answer. Each answer will give rise to thousand and one more questions and the original question will still remain unanswered. Understand this! If you ask me "Is there any God?", I can say either Yes or No. But whatever answer I give you, will give rise to thousand and one more questions. None of the answer is the real answer. And there are people who have faith on some answers and they have become so clinged to their answers that they find out all kinds of rationalization that their answer is right. Someone is theist, he believes in God. He can give you hundreds of rationalization for his answer. Someone is atheist, he doesn't believe in God. He can also give you hundred of rationalization for his answer. If you refute their answers, they will become angry with you because their answers are very superficial. Deep down they are suffering from their ignorance. By refuting those answers you are unveiling their ignorance. This very anger is the proof that they don't know the answer. They just believe that their answer is correct. This very anger is the proof of their ignorance.
No! Zen doesn't give you any new kind of answer. You are already filled with lot of answers. Zen is the art of making you empty of all the answers, making you empty of all the words and diving deep in silence.
Second : 'THAT' cannot be given by someone else. 'THAT' you have to find in your own meditation.
Third : The monk missed the lively truth in the master. He was looking for some words. This is how people have missed the Buddhas. They see them, they hear them, yet they miss them.
Meditate! Don't waste time in rationalizing your answers or seeking the answers outside. Without meditating, your answers may become right but YOU yourself will remain wrong!!!