-- Confusion --
As the monks Jiashan and Dingshan were travelling together they had a discussion.
Dingshan said, "When there is no Buddha within life and death, then there is no life and death."
Jiashan said, "When Buddha is within life and death, there is no confusion about life and death."
The two monks couldn't reach any agreement, so they climbed the mountain to see Zen master Damei Fachang (who used to live on Mount Da Mei).
Jiashan raised their question with Damei and asked, "We'd like to know which viewpoint is most intimate?"
Damei said, "Go now. Come back tomorrow."
The next day Jiashan again came to Damei and raised the question of the previous day.
Damei said, "The one who's intimate doesn't ask. The one asks isn't intimate."
Years later, when Jiashan was abbot, he said, "At that time I lost my eye."
Philosophers always get stuck in words. Life is more than philosophies. It accommodates all the contradictions in itself. Understand this! In love, to be defeated by your beloved is the ultimate victory.
Few months ago, I went to meet a friend. He asked me to accompany him and his 6 years' son to a park nearby. The child asked me and his father to run a race. I said, "I have stopped long ago. You guys carry on!" They started running the race in the park. But willingly the father got defeated in the race. Which father won’t like to get defeated by his child? The son became so happy that he started shouting,"I am the winner! I am the winner!" And not surprisingly, even the father was happy. In love, defeat becomes victory!!
But if you are a Ph.D. in philosophy, then you will say, “Be clear! How defeat can be victory? Either say defeat or say victory.” Scholars are stupid. They continuously keep missing the life!
Don’t get entangled in philosophies. Don’t get entangled in words. Go deep in meditative silence.
Just meditate!