Tuesday, 18 August 2015

-- The Complete Entrance --

A monk said, “I’ve just arrived at the monastery. I ask the master to reveal to me the complete entrance.” Baofu said, “If I were to show you the complete entrance, then I would just bow to you.”


There are two types of knowledge: One which can be given to you, the other which cannot. Unless you have already realized what Buddha has experienced, you cannot understand anything about that experience. Hence master Baofu is saying that he cannot explain the truth to him. The day he would himself realize the truth, he can understand it. But if he has realized the truth then he himself became the Buddha. Hence master is saying that he would just bow to the monk!
Zen is all about that which cannot be given to you. You have to meditate and realize yourself. Remember Zen comes from the root Dhyana which means Meditation.
जिन्हें हम कह नहीं सकते, जिन्हें तुम सुन नहीं सकते
वही बातें हैं कहने की, वही बातें हैं सुनने की !!!

Those things which neither I can speak, nor you can hear
Are exactly the things to be talked of and listened to!!!

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